Once we have established and accepted that nature is stronger than man, that sea currents and winds can become uncontrollable, the Structurmarine team has set up an engineering team that ensures to offer the best marina solutions at all times and even to go beyond expectations. This all goes back decades now. Our cumulative experience and industry knowledge allow us to offer the best on the market. All our marina projects, installed in various marine environments, have been or may be confronted with unique and exceptional weather conditions, we are aware of this. Pleased with the results we deliver, here is Kim Hawxhurst’s testimonial, dated Novembre 17, 2022 but still relevant and perhaps even more so as we prepare to enter hurricane season. “The Best Western Waterfront Hotel in Fort Myers, Florida purchased a Structurmarine floating dock in 2016. It is a large F shaped structure with plenty of tie ups for smaller or larger crafts. We are happy with the appearance and functionality of the Structurmarine dock system. September 28, 2022 Fort Myers suffered a direct Category 5 hit from Hurricane Ian. We were directly impacted by the hurricane. I, myself, was one of the only employees left at the hotel. I personally photographed and taped the storm from a third-floor room. I never expected to see the dock again. It was completely under water for extended periods of time. Not only did the Structurmarine dock withstand all the impact of wind and wave, after our power was restored approximately 10 days later, the blue lights that line the dock were still working. This performance was outstanding, other local marinas are in shambles, have lost everything. We were fortunate enough to have this strong dock in place. It was only rated for a Category 3 storm but completely withstood a Category 5 storm with some very minor repairs needed where it connects to the land walkway. We are so pleased that we invested in this dock.” |