Signature project


Fore Point Marina floats along the Portland waterfront, which has been a gathering point for centuries. At the mouth of the Fore River, the downtown streets and park surrounding the headland meet the natural harbor that gave Maine's most populous city its name. The resulting Portland Foreside neighborhood has revitalized Portland Co.'s historic buildings and the existing marina and now adds modern buildings and outdoor spaces to create a sustainable, LEED NC complex with premier residential and commercial real estate.

Structurmarine’s team is well aware of this part of Casco Bay and the challenges it involves. To build a marina with 150 berths ranging from 25 to 545 feet, we considered the long fetch of the northeast winds, the currents of the Fore River, the strong tides, and the poor behavior of the muddy and sloped bottoms. We worked in collaboration with ATM (Applied Technology and Management) and SF Marinas who built the floating wave attenuator. The huge floating breakwater chosen to protect the inner marina had to be designed with a connection that dampened the different movements of the two systems in extreme weather conditions.

The marina has flexible anchoring in 24+ feet or water depth with 10 feet tidal variations and self-supporting triangular finger docks (without anchors) for the 60 'slips. The gangway to access this fully equipped marina is 8 'x 80' in a single span, with a new and innovative design. Among the interesting features, there is an integrated fire protection system with fire hydrant, fuel dock, golf cart access, it goes without saying that this high-end marina with IPE decking knows how to appeal to boaters.

Operated and managed by Portland Foreside Development Company and IGY marinas